Living Out Podcast
Many Christians love their LGBT friends and want to engage well with issues of sexuality and identity, but aren’t sure how to do it. Join the Living Out team and guests as they tackle some of the most frequently asked questions and seek to navigate the choppy cultural waters with compassion and clarity. If you’re interested in a Christian perspective on sexuality, singleness, trans and identity and want to hear real stories from same-sex attracted Christians, this is the podcast for you. Hosted by Andrew Bunt, Ashleigh Hull, Andy Robinson, Ed Shaw and Anne Witton. Produced by Anne Witton and Dan Reid.
Living Out Podcast
Robert: Real Love (Different Stories #8)
This episode contains discussion of childhood sexual abuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
Sometimes God breaks into our lives in the most unlikely circumstances. Robert was sexually abused by a teacher at school, forced into becoming a Christian, and went on to marry a woman and lead a church – all while being same-sex attracted and not truly knowing Jesus. From there things fell apart, and Robert began living as an out gay man. Only later would he come to know the love of God for the first time, and give his life to Christ.
Resources mentioned and related
If you’re affected by any of the issues raised in this episode, please reach out to someone you trust. In the UK, you can also contact Samaritans for support – call 116 123 free, 24 hours a day.
Samaritans also provide a full list of organisations you can contact for advice on a range of issues, including abuse and mental health. You can find that here.