Living Out Podcast
Many Christians love their LGBT friends and want to engage well with issues of sexuality and identity, but aren’t sure how to do it. Join the Living Out team and guests as they tackle some of the most frequently asked questions and seek to navigate the choppy cultural waters with compassion and clarity. If you’re interested in a Christian perspective on sexuality, singleness, trans and identity and want to hear real stories from same-sex attracted Christians, this is the podcast for you. Hosted by Andrew Bunt, Ashleigh Hull, Andy Robinson, Ed Shaw and Anne Witton. Produced by Anne Witton and Dan Reid.
106 episodes
Friendship and Intimacy (Friendship #3)
Isn’t intimacy all about sex? How and why should we pursue intimacy in our friendships? We’re joined by Katherine (Kaleidoscope contributor and part of the Being Human team at the Evangelical Alliance) for a conversation about different kinds o...
Season 11
Episode 3

Friendship and Jesus (Friendship #2)
How does being friends with Jesus change the way we do friendship, with Christians and non-Christians? What are the most encouraging and challenging things about the friendship Jesus offers us? And how do we practically go about addressing the ...
Season 11
Episode 2

Designed for Friendship (Friendship #1)
How can we be friends with God? What does that actually look like in daily life? Does being friends with God mean we don't need human friends? With Phil Knox - evangelist, missiologist and author of 'The Best of Friends' - we're ki...
Season 11
Episode 1

Series 11 Trailer: Friendship
Friendship. We all need it, and it's especially valuable in making the single life plausible. But how do we do it well? How can we foster healthy intimacy in friendship? What example does Jesus give us? All this and more to come in our new podc...
Season 11

Christmas Special 2024!
Who’s the Tiny Tim of the Living Out staff team? And the Scrooge? How can we keep going as single people over Christmas and New Year, and look out for the single people around us? All this and more in our (slightly chaotic) podcast...

Youth Pilot & Church Leaders (Kaleidoscope Specials #3)
James, a youth leader and Kaleidoscope contributor, shares his experience of trying out the series with some of his youth group, including what they particularly enjoyed about the series. We also hear from Eleanor, who tells her st...
Episode 3

Hearing from Parents (Kaleidoscope Specials #2)
We speak to two parents, Jo and Claire, about the world their children are growing up in and their experience of talking to them about sexuality, gender and faith. They share how their churches have tackled these issues so far, and why they’re ...
Episode 2

What & Why? (Kaleidoscope Specials #1)
What is Kaleidoscope? Why have we made it? Andrew and Ashleigh, our Emerging Generations team, share their hopes for the series, and catch up with two of the people who contributed to it. Katherine tells us what conversations about...
Episode 1

Nat and Matt: Mixed-Orientation Marriage (Different Stories #9)
As a teenager, Nat was fascinated by God and got confirmed. But when she came out as a lesbian at 16, she was met with rejection from her peers and a Christian school teacher. At university, she joined the LGBT society and remained angry at God...
Season 10
Episode 9

Robert: Real Love (Different Stories #8)
This episode contains discussion of childhood sexual abuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts.Sometimes God breaks into our lives in the most unlikely circumstances. Robert was sexually abused by a teacher at school, forced into...
Season 10
Episode 8

David: Radical Celibacy (Different Stories #7)
As a gay teenager, David felt rejected by the Church and couldn’t see a plausible way for him to be a Christian. He became an activist set on destroying Christianity and opposing it at every turn. But his time at university found him looking fo...
Season 10
Episode 7

Laura: Good Friendship (Different Stories #6)
Looking for purpose and meaning at medical school, Laura spoke to a Christian friend who invited her to church. She decided to put her trust in Jesus, and it was only several years later she realised she was same-sex attracted. We chat with Lau...
Season 10
Episode 6

Paul: Responding to Our Desires (Different Stories #5)
Paul tells us how he came to faith as a teenager, and how a combination of clear teaching and sharing with good friends has helped him navigate same-sex attraction and stay faithful to Jesus. Paul also shares how he unexpectedly fell in love wi...
Season 10
Episode 5

Simon: Intimacy and Emotional Dependency (Different Stories #4)
We chat to Simon about how understanding God’s bigger purposes for his people has helped fuel his excitement for living God’s way when it comes to sexuality. Simon tells us how getting involved in True Freedom Trust helped him find a supportive...
Season 10
Episode 4

Katherine: The Power and Beauty of Stories (Different Stories #3)
Katherine shares her story of dating a girl as a teenager, and noticing how Jesus genuinely transformed the lives of Christians she knew. As she opened up the Bible for herself and got to know and love Jesus, Katherine tells us how she accepted...
Season 10
Episode 3

Ryan: From Joyless to Joyful Obedience (Different Stories #2)
Ryan shares his story of coming out as a teenager, coming to faith at university, and the gradual, ongoing process of reconciling his faith and sexuality. He unpacks some of the key things God has taught him along the way, including why followi...
Season 10
Episode 2

Simon: Reconciling Sexuality, Faith and Ministry (Different Stories #1)
Simon shares his story of coming to faith and coming to terms with his sexuality. We ask him about his experience of sharing with friends about his sexuality having kept it quiet for 10 years, and some of the benefits and challenges of being sa...
Season 10
Episode 1

Series 10: Different Stories - Trailer
For our next podcast series, we're going back to our roots - hearing stories from same-sex attracted Christians about the goodness and faithfulness of God in their lives. We hope you'll join us and be encouraged! First episode coming 4th July.
Season 10

Legal Freedoms (Church Leaders #8)
What are your legal freedoms to speak on sexuality and gender at church and in the workplace? Andy and Andrew are joined by Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance to think through our legal freedoms when it comes to what we say and what we...
Season 9
Episode 8

Engaging With Society (Church Leaders #7)
How do we engage with a culture which holds such different views to us on sexuality and gender? It’s easy to feel hopeless or fearful as we engage in conversations with those around us on these sensitive issues, but in this episode Ed, Adam and...
Season 9
Episode 7

The Next Generation (Church Leaders #6)
How as churches can we best engage and help the next generation on the issue of sexuality? It can be an intimidating topic to tackle, but Andy, Ashleigh and Andrew encourage us that young people need the gospel as much as anyone else, and that ...
Season 9
Episode 6

Church Membership and Discipline (Church Leaders #5)
How should we approach a conversation with a gay couple wanting to get baptised or get their child baptised? What should we bear in mind when considering who to invite to formal church membership or leadership positions? How can we be consisten...
Season 9
Episode 5

Handling Disagreement (Church Leaders #4)
What if there’s disagreement in our church on sexuality? Ashleigh, Ed and Andy discuss why this isn’t something we can just agree to disagree on, and some key principles to bear in mind as we work things out in light of that. The team then offe...
Season 9
Episode 4

Pastoral Care (Church Leaders #3)
In this episode we discuss how we can provide good pastoral care, both for those who are themselves same-sex attracted and wanting to follow Jesus, and for those who have gay family members and want to love them well. Andy, Ed and Adam ...
Season 9
Episode 3

Teaching on Sexuality (Church Leaders #2)
What cultural and biblical context do we need to bear in mind as we teach on sexuality and gender? How do we handle the Bible passages which directly address homosexuality? Ashleigh, Andy and Andrew discuss the need to approach thes...
Season 9
Episode 2